Jesus follower, wife, Young Life leader, cat mama, coffee addict. Likes: Trying a new hobby every couple weeks, animals, neutral colors, adventuring with a heads up, and getting the mail. Dislikes: Doing the dishes, Monopoly, soy sauce, and working out. Moriah is the oldest of three girls and was born in San Antonio, Texas while both of her parents served in the Air Force. After a few more stations, her family moved to Vancouver, WA, where she grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Not wanting to leave the wet and green, Moriah graduated from Corban University in 2020 with a degree in Counseling Psychology. She met her husband at Corban when they were RA’s in the same dorm and got married in 2022. Moriah has worked for multiple non-profits since graduating and is thrilled to continue serving the community in that way When she’s not writing the newsletter or posting on social media for Salem Angels, she loves taking care of her plants (inside and outside!), playing with her cats, hanging out with her Young Life girls, and eating good food. |
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